Monday, December 27, 2021

Unappreciated and Under Valued

I consider myself to be a healthy person. I don't know how others perceive me, a health nut maybe? I mean I drink fermented tea, make my chocolate pudding out of avocados, and I get excited about hard workouts. But even after all this I cannot tell someone with confidence the best way to be healthy and stay fit.

I know what I do and have researched here and there but have not found an answer. I have found studies saying to do cardio for 30-40 minutes three to four times a week and then I have found studies saying that heart disease is high in those doing that much cardio. I thought that guy running 10 miles every morning, bike riding to work, and then swimming in the evenings was super healthy. I suppose I was wrong.

OK so weight training it is. There are good reports on this type of workout but then I find others that say weight training hurts your joints and minimal weights is best. But you can't workout for too long because then you do more harm than good. Someone please tell me how am I suppose to find the truth!? Which one is right?

Let me tell you my conclusion: we cannot know! We can make our best guess but we simply cannot know the truth to this question. The reason is simple. There is no authority good enough to tell us the absolute truth about the best way to stay healthy and fit. Sure there are studies and there are results to those studies but is there going to be another study in the future that disproves what we all thought was the best way for living? We will not know, unless we live to find out. It was frustrating thinking I had found the right way to workout and eat right only to have someone else show me evidence against my initial research.

So this got me thinking about how much I appreciate God's word. One thing that I do not have to guess on is the bible. It is absolute truth and there is no doubt it is right, I do not have to worry that it is wrong, or someone in the future correcting what it says. God, who cannot lie, promised to preserve his word for all generations, and we have the privilege of having it in a book to read, study, and learn from. Doesn't that create a peace and joy inside you! We CAN KNOW TRUTH! Our faith is not shaken because it is in a book written by the creator of life and existence. No other authority can stand next to the God of the bible.

Out of all the things that we cannot know, we can be certain about God and his words. There is truth in them, there is power in them, comfort, and peace.

I feel for the Christian who yearns to hear from God and to have God speak to them when they are already holding the very words that God spoke in their hands! Don't under value what you have. Believe the God of the bible, believe his words he had men write so he could preserve them.

He wrote it for us to know him. How are we to know him unless we read and learn from it. I was told about a cartoon drawing of a man kneeling on the ground praying "God, I'm listening, please speak to me" and then you see a bible being thrown down from the sky thumping the man on the head.

God has already spoken and has already provided a means to communicate further with us since that time and that is with the bible. Appreciate the truth in the bible that you can trust and have steadfast faith in. It is the only important thing that we can know for sure in this life and in the next!

1 comment:

  1. God's words are the truth and they are found in one place, The Holy Bible (KJV) preserved for us as He promised.
